Page 184 - MILKBARN Fall 2022
P. 184
Finn the Firefly
Reminding us of the light within each of us, author Wendy Wallace shares the world of little Finn and his journey of finding his own light.
Playful, gouache illustrations by Haley Hunt bring to life the pages of Finn the Firefly.
“There once was a firefly name Finn
He lived in a beautiful hazy meadow
filled with river ferns and dusted with morning glories,
where the wind would rustle tall grasses against the soft sky.”
The collection of children’s books by Milkbarn showcases a first-ever series of coordinating apparel prints and hardcover book illustrations. Our cover artwork of Finn the Firefly matches our one-of-a-kind Firefly print seen in all of Milkbarn’s baby apparel and treasures.