Page 9 - Looking to hire Breeann.indd
P. 9

Breeann Lalao
My Top 10 strengths are:
1 6
My RELATOR strength means I enjoy
working with people and helping those
people achieve a goal
My POSITIVITY strength means I have a
contagious enthusiasm, that creates a
warm working environment
2 7
My FUTURISTIC strength causes me to be
inspired by the future and energise others
with my vision
My STRATEGIC strength allows me to find
relevant patterns and create alternative
pathways to success
3 8
My INDIVIDUALISATION strength causes
me to recognise other strengths enhancing
a team
My ACHIEVER strength means I work hard
and enjoy finishing the task at hand
4 9
My DEVELOPER strength means I cultivate
potential in others and enjoy continuous
My RESPONSIBILITY strength means I will
follow thru and do everything I commit to
5 10
My ARRANGER strength causes me
to organise and make all the pieces fit
together for maximum productivity
My LEARNER strength means I love to
learn, and look for ways to stay on the
cutting edge

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