Page 36 - Hospital Cleaners handbook
P. 36

Cross contamination, workers compensation costs, WH&S issues, high cost of labour and wastage of chemicals are the main issues facing the cleaning industry today. The old fashioned mop and bucket is at the centre of all these concerns. It carries germs from one room to the next, the cleaner then has to use dirty solution to mop the floor, and it forces the cleaner to wring out the mop causing lower back injuries. The cleaner then must empty used or unused cleaning solution down the drain.
 With the Aqua Mop Microfibre Mopping System you never use a bucket that could carry germs, you use a clean Microfibre
cover for each new area, you mop with clean solution, directly from the mop handle. You keep any unused solution for later use and you never tip dirty solution down the drain.
Press the button on the top of the handle to release solution and start mopping. When
you have finished that area, remove the mop head and place it in a bag for later laundering. Go directly to your next area, get a clean mop head and clean without all the time consuming tasks of emptying and filling up mop buckets, rinsing and wringing out mops, or making trips to and from the cleaners room.
Over wet slippery floors.
Lower back problems.
Mopping with dirty solution.

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