Page 30 - Hospital Cleaning Systems from Central
P. 30

 Pre-Moistening Your Mops
   mops vertically in your allow for even dispersion. 123
Pour correct amount of solution over the sieve to moisten all mops.
Place correct amount of Place sieve over bucket to
  Scrub-E Microfibre Cover
 Use the Scrub-E Microfibre Cover for normal bathroom floors. Covers are 30cm.
• 70% High quality microfibre with 30% polypropylene scrubbing patches
• Two microfibre cloths inside absorb and hold picked up dirty cleaning solution
• Silver anti-bacterial technology
• Can be laundered 750 times
  Clean & Dry Mop Cover
 Clean & Dry Covers are designed for mopping normal, low maintenance, sealed or tiled floors.
• Highest quality microfibre with two internal cloths for absorption
• Raised edges to allow mop to glide over large floors like hallways
• Silver anti-bacterial technology • Can be laundered 750 times
  Scrub & Clean Mop Cover
 Scrub & Clean covers are designed for mopping sealed or tiled floors where extra scrubbing or cleaning edges is required without causing extra drag.
• 50% of mop surface with scrubbing blend followed by 50% for cleaning floor
• Scrubbing edge allows you to clean into skirting edge
• Silver anti-bacterial technology • Can be laundered 750 times

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