Page 80 - Minerva Foods | Annual Report 2017
P. 80

Minerva Materiality 2017 103-1
   Limit – inside
Limit – outside
   Material topics
Coexisting in harmony
Workforce health and safety
Management of human capital
Water use, effluent management and impacts of cattle ranching on springs and basins
Production in sensitive areas and biomes
Related indicators
Materiality assessment
Very important
Very important
operational and commercial
   201-3 | 401-2 | 103-2
303-1 | 306-3
403-1 | 403-2 | 403-3 | 403-4
202-2 | 401-1 | 404-1 | 405-1 | | 412-2 | 410-1
306-1 | 306-2 | | 306-4 | 103-2
| 307-1 | 411-1
In addition to maintaining an Ombudsman, in 2017 Minerva Foods held various events on commemorative dates and the 3rd SGI Week, which involved employees and local commu- nities in several meetings regarding the en- vironment, social responsibility, health and safety, and food safety.
Events such as Talking Livestock, which cov- ers topics related to sustainability, efficiency in the field and animal welfare, among other things, aimed at suppliers of the Company's main raw material (cattle). The sector of Cat- tle Procurement also sends these stakeholders emails containing reports and information on economic and climate scenes as well as price variations in raw material.
    Stakeholder engagement
102-43 | 103-2 | 103-3
Minerva Foods adopts a specific approach to each of its different stakeholders. Annual meet- ings are held for financial stakeholders, includ- ing Minerva Day – in São Paulo (BR) and in New York (USA) – and quarterly earnings calls to show its economic performance. Moreover, investors have full access to the Investor Re- lations team through the institutional website and by phone. The Company communicates with its human capital through tools such as the Minerva Connection channel, a way for employees and the external public to express opinions, criticism and suggestions.

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