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Investigating Wrongful Convictions – AFI-LLC – September 2022                                 1 of 5

        Each month we author a topical article in the areas of Expert Legal Investigations and
        Medicolegal Consultations of Personal Injury, Negligence and Death in Civil, Criminal
        and Probate litigation.

        We continue to post News of Our Profession, Conferences & Training, Case Studies
        and other typical newsletter content daily on our agency social media – &

                             Follow us to stay current on news from our agency and profession

        September is National Suicide Prevention Month
                        Every day is a time to know a person thinking of harming themselves can be helped. Starting July this
                        new number is available to call or text from any phone for immediate help. If you or someone you
                        know is in danger of harming themselves or others, call.

                        (800) 273-TALK (8255) is voice only, and resources at

        September Commentary: Wrongful Convictions and Comprehensive Investigations
                              • False confessions and false accusations seem to be the “norm” these days.
                              • Money seems to be an issue in conducting a thorough investigation.
                              • Professional investigators pride themselves in conducting thorough investigations.

                              Where can useful information and resources be found?

        Read the full commentary, and a composite scenario, at

        Featured Course: Understanding Death Investigations
        Each month the featured course is 15% off (our largest discount, except to our Association Partners and members)

                        > Understanding Death / SBI Investigations
                        > Role of PIs & Protocols in Death / SBI Investigations, Cause & Manner of Death

        Email us at for this discount code

        Featured Case Study: Injured Victim Listed as At Fault in Motor Vehicle Collision (Legal Investigation)
        Each month we feature a synopsis of a legal investigation or expert consultation case of unique evidence & circumstances
        During the official investigation statements taken of both drivers, and one 911 caller witnessing the collision. Also on
        scene, and having witnessed the collision, was an off-duty detective from the same department. These statements also
        were not in the Traffic Accident Report. A third issue was also from the Traffic Accident Report – reporting the injured
        driver was in the inside lane.
        What were the circumstances? What was the evidence? What were the findings?
        Details at

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