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Certified Forensic Death Investigator Program – AFI-LLC – March 2023                          1 of 7

        Each month we author a topical article in the areas of Expert Medicolegal Consultations
        & Legal Investigations of Personal Injury, Negligence & Death for litigation.

        We continue to post News of Our Profession, Conferences & Training, Case Studies and
        other typical newsletter content daily on our agency social media – &

                             Follow us to stay current on news from our agency and profession

        Recorded Statements – Adding Resources for Accuracy
                                     Recording interview statements is an important component of all investigations – civil &
                                     criminal, worker compensation, workplace, etc. If an interview is not recorded, it is
                                     common to immediately dictate any notes and observations for having accurate
                                     information for the report.

        Doing so is first dictated by local rules, licensing rules, and ethics (investigator and attorney). It is NOT dictated by a state
        being one-party or two-party consent until licensing and ethical rules are first applied. This includes in-person or phone.
        The first rule – is having the attorney-client’s authorization. Doing so without their authorization can result in
        unintended consequences to their case.

        Once the recording is completed, there may be a need for an accurate transcription of the recording. Another purpose is
        to present an accurate synopsis, including quotes, of the interview to the attorney-client by report or confidential memo.
             Our agency has developed resources to turn-around a transcript and synopsis the same day as the interview.

        Featured Course: Practical Methods for Legal Investigations
        Each month the featured course is 15% off (our largest discount, except to our Association Partners and members is 25%)
                                   (3.0 hours CE) The foundational basics of the textbook through the concept and
                                   methodologies of legal investigation - a step by step process that reveals how to
                                   methodically find and report evidence in every aspect of the investigative process.

                                   Email us at for this discount code!

        Featured Commentary: The Certified Forensic Death Investigator (CFDI) Program

                            In March of 2021 we “soft” launched the CFDI Program, which had been in development since the
                            spring of 2020, and is the first to be exclusively for the Criminal Defense Investigator.* Developed
                            by Associates in Forensic Investigations and partnered exclusively with the Criminal Defense
                            Investigation Training Council (CDITC) - two powerful teams in their expertise. We offer the CFDI
                            Program for specialized training in advanced criminal defense investigations.
                            *The CFDI Program is open to any qualified private investigator.
                                                       (continued below)

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