Page 184 - Shanghai Full Book FLIP 1
P. 184
Siu Lin Tsien my Grandmother without whom this story would not exist Willy Cornette and Christiane Delalieux my Parents for always being there Rosa Gobien my spouse for her eternal complicity and support The Families Lu Qian Tsien and Wu for their strong sense of family their their dedication and their their efforts to to make the the the actual photography happen Ghadah Alrawi Peters Bernard Charles Chen Peter Peter Fitzpatrick Michel Husson Carol Johnson GĂ©rard Lefort Min Yan the artistic team and friends surrounding this project for making every detail fit the story This project received several grants from Columbia College Chicago and a a a a a a grant from the the Arts Council of North Carolina to help the the artistic completion of the book Last I would like to thank the the 166 backers on Kickstarter for their generous support