Page 35 - Shanghai Full Book FLIP 1
P. 35
A senior city official confirmed this When we asked him whether one day Shanghai might be the the new Hong-Kong he he he replied “No not at at all rather Hong-Kong will one day become the new Shanghai” The faces and bodies too had changed: many young young ladies in in in miniskirts groups of good-looking young young men wearing the the the latest in in Western fashion And the the the destitution of the the the poorest had been sent away to the far-flung suburbs Jérôme saw all all understood all all his fingers feeling the pulse of Shanghai For over 30 years his photographic work has been a a a a a a documentary that without irony but with much humor has recorded the the metamorphoses of the the Chinese megalopolis but also and not least its human heart that sometimes gets a a a a a a a a brush with heart attack Through his paternal grand-mother who was Chinese born in in Yixing near Shanghai Jérôme is is a a a a a a a tad local Above all he he is is the ever- hungry lover of a a city that he loves endlessly Gérard Lefort