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is to preempt the fires by reestablishing dharma and the spiritual law of one God, one religion, one language embracing one humanity.
I preach only one religion of love for all, which alone can integrate the human race into a brotherhood of man under the fatherhood of God. I know only one language of the heart beyond the mind or intellect which relates man to man and mankind to God, thereby creating mutual understanding, cooperation and community life in peace and harmony. On this basis 1 want to build one humanity without any religious, caste or other barriers in a universal empire of love which could enable my devotees to feel the whole world as their own family.
Q: Well said, Baba—but wouldn’t this dharma with its Hindu orientation conflict with the established religions?
Baba: No, it will not do anything of the kind because my objective is the establishment of sanathana dharma, which believes in one God as propitiated by the founders of all religions. So none has to give up his religion or deity, but through them worship the one God in all. 1 have come not to disturb or destroy but to confirm and vindicate everyone in his own faith.
Q: But how will that prevent a nuclear holocaust?
Baba: By removing all causes, sources, barriers and provocations of class, caste, creed, color and race, and replacing the existing hate and violence with love and nonviolence. 1 expect to provide humanity with an evangel of peaceful cooperation to replace the present escalation to death by co-destruction.
R.K. Karanjia: Thank you, Swamiji. I am all the more grateful to you because I really did not expect you to answer the whole long list of my questions.
Notes 1. Reprinted courtesy of Mr. R.K. Karanjia.

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