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P. 356

Bhagavan bhajans bhakta, bhakti
Bharath Brahma Brahman
buddhi chakra
darshan Dasera dharma
dharmaswarupa dhyana Ganesha,
Ganapathi Ganga
gopas gopis
guru Hanuman
hatha yoga
japa, japam japamala
The Hindu “bible.” Meaning the “Song of God,” this renowned scripture of India is part of the great epic Mahabharatha. It contains the spiritual teachings given by Lord Krishna to Arjuna, and is meant for all mankind. Lord. God.
Devotional songs.
A bhakta is a devotee, one who has bhakti; virtue, self con- trol, faith, devotion.
India, the land that has rathi, or attachment to Bha or Bhagavan, the Lord.
The creator God of the Hindu trinity, the other two being Vishnu and Shiva.
The immanent principle, said to have three aspects: crea- tion, preservation, destruction. The absolute, the supreme reality.
Place where Sai Baba frequently resides when away from Prasanthi Nilayam, his ashram and location of his Sri Sathya Sai Arts, Science and Commerce College for Men. Also, the name of a town on the banks of the Jamuna river associated with Sri Krishna’s childhood.
The intellect, intelligence or discriminating faculty. Centers or “lotuses” of potential energy arrayed upward in man from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. To see a great person and receive his blessing—literally, “to breathe the same air as.”
Festival celebrating the victory of good over forces resisting progress toward light.
Righteousness, duty, code of conduct—one of the four ends of human pursuit.
Of the very form or nature of righteousness; dharma. Meditation.
Names for the elephant-headed God, son of Shiva. Presiding deity of the first chakra.
The Ganges.
The cowherd boys of Brindavan, playmates of Sri Krishna. The milkmaids of Brindavan, companions and devotees of Sri Krishna.
The primary qualities of a human being: peaceful (sathwa), active (rajas) and dull (thamas).
Teacher, guide to spiritual liberation.
One of the most devoted of the bhaktas of Rama, represented as part monkey, part man; mentioned in the Ramayana.
A school of yoga; the practice of asanas or yoga posture for the purpose of physical well-being and for awakening spiritual centers.
The king of the Gods.
The objective, transitory, untrue world.
Recitation or repetition of the name of the Lord. Religious necklace of 108 beads used in japa, the repetition of the name of God with reverence and devotion.

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