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Los Angeles writer and filmmaker Dick Croy was indispensable as editor and adviser. As with my first book, I continually relied on his organizing and writing skills and his sensible treatment of the material. His contribution was invaluable and most deeply appreciated. Also my warm appreciation to Lila Youngs whose clear and close attention to detail during the final stages of editing and proofreading assured a happy completion.
My heartfelt thanks goes to Larry Smith, San Diego artist and designer, for helping design inside and cover. I’m also grateful for the use of photos offered by Richard Kaplowitz, Peter Keyser, Peter Rae and David Lenhoff. And a special thanks to Mr. R.K. Karanjia, Senior Editor of Blitz news magazine for permission to reprint in its entirety his revealing and exciting interview with Sathya Sai Baba.
I am grateful to the following publishing houses for permission to use extended quotes: To Sage Publications for the use of Ken Wilber’s material which appeared in the Journal of Humanistic Psychology, Vol. 22, No. 1, Winter 1982, pp. 57-90; Harper &. Row Publishers, Inc. for the Erich Fromm quote which appeared in Zen Buddhism and Psychoanalysis; Vedanta Press, for the quotes from the Bhagavid-Gita translated by Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood; Free Press, a division of Macmillan Publishing, Inc., for the quotes from Ernest Becker’s book The Denial of Death; the medical journal M.D. for the quotes from Stanley R. Dean’s article “Psychiatry and Psychosocial Futurology”; and to writer W.H. Macintosh for the use of a portion of his article which appeared in the London newspaper Psychic News, December 1977.
Extra-special thanks to members of my family, who have been a constant source of strength and support -- to my father and mother, who painstakingly edited my life through crucial developmental years -- to my children Ruth, Rachel, Beth and Judy, for understanding why their dad was locked in his study for long periods and may have been inaccessible when they would have liked otherwise, for helping with the typing and editing and for asking innocent and crucial questions which influenced the thinking in this book.
And eternal love and gratitude to my dear and dedicated wife Sharon, who has been my closest companion, confidant and critic for over a quarter century.
All Sanskrit and Telugu words are italicized and defined in the Glossary beginning on page 315.

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