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 1 Searching FOR DIVINITY
There can be no limit or obstacle to His will. There can be no bounds to the manifestation of His power and His glory. He fructifies all that He wills. He can manifest in whatever form He wills. He is unique, incomparable, equal to Himself alone. He is His own measure, witness, authority.
Sathya Sai Baba (Bhagavatha Vahini, chap. 32)
What an amazing puzzle, being born in this glorious world of light, sound, form, and movement, and yet not knowing why we are here. We don’t know the purpose of being here, or even if there is a purpose, and we don’t know where we are going from here. Our natural inclination is to seek happiness and gratification of the senses as long as possible. How can we really be happy with this kind of life, especially when we see its impermanence? Inevitably, with time, we all face a natural decline in physical and mental health, and eventually death. Why this dissolution? Why this mystery about life?
The great world religions offer some answers, as do modern behavioral sciences. Still, if we are thoughtful and sensitive, how can we not stand in awe before the blazing mysteries of our birth in this immense, incomprehensible cosmos? There are a few who want to know and understand through direct

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