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P. 26

 Large Shiva statue at Hillview Stadium
eyes fell upon Swami, Swami’s form changed into that of Lord Shiva (the Hindu Lord of dissolution) siing beside His consort, Parvathi, on His vehicle, Nandi, the bull. The vision lasted for about thirty seconds and then melted back into the familiar form of Swami. “Now do you understand my relationship with Shiva?” asked Swami.
As Dattatreya
Colonel Jogarao, an engineer who had supervised much of the construction at Prasanthi Nilayam (Sai Baba’s ashram located in South Central India), also had a revealing experience. Swami has treated Jogarao as a friend and oen as his traveling companion. Dr. Hislop once suggested that if I had the chance, I should ask Jogarao why, with all his close contact with Swami, he had not yet wrien a book about him. One day I was in the position to do just that. Jogarao responded with a smile, saying that although he believes that Swami is divine, he never actually feels this in his presence. He said that if he experienced Swami’s divinity, he would be silent and in awe, with hands clasped in front of him in a devotional posture. Instead, Swami has allowed Jogarao to relate to him as a comfortable friend.

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