Page 18 - Shaw Wall of Honor
P. 18

 Being A Woman in Today’s Insurance
  I began my insurance career in 2000 as a female agency owner in Texas and have experienced shifts not only in the insurance industry for women, but business in general as well.
The insurance industry was well known for being a “Man’s World” for a long time; however, it is the women whom I believe have moved it along. In the beginning of my career, the carriers all seemed to be mainly male dominated not only for higher management positions but on the Board of Directors as well; it was not common to see women in those positions. We were not only deemed the weaker sex, but too emotional to have leadership strengths for positions of authority.
Prior to going into insurance, my experience had been in the title business and then selling residential real estate, both of which
are heavily dominated industries for women, so it wasn’t a concern of mine when I chose to open an agency. To be fair though, when selling homes, I did find that some people had definite preferences working with a male or female, so I teamed up with a male in our real estate company—hen those situations arose, rather than taking it personally, I would happily turn it over and let him close the deal. Turns out it was a great move because I ended up marrying him!
We have applied the same attitude as insurance agency owners. There are times that someone, usually a little older, more mature, male will prefer to deal with a man. I have made it a habit to view it purely from a business standpoint rather than take it as an insult to women in general or take it personally. I am looking to get the job done, and I have enough other areas of authority that I am not threatened by that type of situation. Conversely, there have also been people who only wanted to deal with a woman and it was turned over to me. Again, I am a business owner, and the bottom

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