Page 35 - Shaw Wall of Honor
P. 35

 credit to others, and instead subtly (or not so subtly) take it for themselves, but I am not too prideful and take a team initiative as a team. Plus, you kind of peg those people straight away, so it's not as bad as being deceived.
Heather Monahan even gave an entire Ted talk on the biggest villain women in business with face: another woman.
There is a lot of truth in that, and it's sad. We should be celebrating each other, giving each other power. But the lack of confidence, self- worth and self-love leads many woman to have a scarcity mindset. This scarcity mindset makes women perceive that there is only so much business to go around: if you get more, I must get less. And that simply is not true! The power of the pack means that we find more success together.
I surround myself now with women who are my biggest champions. They understand my struggles, know my strengths and work ethic, and do everything they can to prop me up, put me in front of prospects, and truly want to see me succeed. I do the same for them. The power of the pack.
(4) Most men are not sitting around looking to hold women back; some just don't know how to help women up.
Everyone has a different experience. Mine is that men have helped me up, have supported me, and wanted the best for me. My male boss put me in front of the entire board of our publicly-traded company, allowed me to meet with every VP and SVP, and gave me authority to work in my own capacity using my cultivated experience.
I have also experienced a male superior who was not comfortable "going to bat" for us on raises and bonuses. I didn't take that as aimed at me personally or because I was a woman—I just think he came from a different generation and/or had been around long enough to know that advocating would do little good. But in order to be a good leader, you have to show
up and show your people you are willing to go to bat for them.
It can be hard to not understand the differences and know how to guide and mentor a woman, especially in a male dominated environment. The best thing that can be done is to push women with the right leadership capabilities forward, and help build a team of women who can help other women. Women more naturally know what women need.
(5) Knowledge is power
At the end of the day, your brain is your most powerful resource. Knowledge is power. Show it. Use what you have done. Pat yourself on the back and shout your success from the rooftops. Leading with this will allow others to see your skillset and be attracted to working with you. Before you know it, prospects will come to you, more than you seeking them out. How we communicate, where we communicate, and how we position ourselves as thought leaders and technical experts is a differentiator. Use it. Be the best, and let your body of work communicate all that you need.
 A Girl Walks Into a Bar

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