Page 7 - Frontiers of the Universe
P. 7

The Universe is everything, from the tiniest subatomic particles to the largest galaxies,
to the very existence of space, time, and life itself. At the Weizmann Institute of Science, experts in particle physics and astrophysics are exploring both ends of the scale in a new $100 million  agship project—Frontiers of the Universe. Fortifying this research continuum, the Frontiers initiative will strengthen the Weizmann Institute’s position as a preeminent leader in global physics discovery.
The Weizmann Institute is a physics powerhouse. Weizmann theoreticians’ pioneering approaches help make sense of the Universe—on both the quantum andtheclassical,“macro”level. Weizmann astrophysicists lead international
collaborations in space observation and exploration. Weizmann particle physicists set the standard for innovation and excellence, through technological and theoretical approaches revealing the fundamental building blocks of all matter in the Universe. The project inovolves the construction
of a state-of-the-art building that will
bring together all these experts and
more, and advance related educational activities, for the bene t of all.

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