Page 17 - OASC January 2021 Newsletter 2
P. 17

AAHHeeaaltlthySttoma & Active LifestyllewitithaannOOsstotommyy A Healthy Stoma & Active Lifestyle with an Ostomy
DDoowwnnloloaaddYYoouurrFrree Guiide: Download Your Free Guide:
• • • •
Step by step instructions on the Core 4 exercises for ostmates
What is parastomal hernia?
Step by step instructions on the Core 4 exercises for ostmates What is parastomal hernia?
Find out if you are at risk of developing a hernia What is parastomal hernia?
Find out if you are at risk of developing a hernia
What to do if you have developed a hernia
Find out if you are at risk of developing a hernia What to do if you have developed a hernia
What you will find in this guide:
What you will find in this guide:
What you will find in this guide:
Step by step instructions on the Core 4 exercises for ostmates
and much more...
What to do if you have developed a hernia
and much more...
and much more...
Download Your Free Guide: Download Your Free Guide:
Download Your Free Guide:
Scan here to download the 1-866-293-6349
Scan here to download the 1-866-293-6349
guide on your phone
guide on your phone
Scan here to download the 1-866-293-6349
guide on your phone
Making life easier
Making life easier
Ostomy Care, Continence Care, Wound & Skin Care and Interventional Urology
Coloplast Canada, A205-2401 Bristol Circle, Oakville, ON
O s t T o h me C y o l C o p a l a r s e t , l o C g o o i n s t a i n r e e g n i s t c e e r e d C t a r a r d e e , m W a r o k u o f n C d o l & o p l S a s k t i A n / S C . a © r 2 e 0 a 2 0 n - d 0 8 I n A l t l e r i r g v h t e s n r e t s i e o r n v e a d l C U o l r o o p l l a o s g t A y / S , 3 0 5 0 Making life easier
Coloplast Canada, A205-2401 Bristol Circle, Oakville, ON
The Coloplast logo is a registered trademark of Coloplast A/S. © 2020-08 All rights reserved Coloplast A/S, 3050 Humlebaek, Denmark.
lebaek, Denmark.
Ostomy Care, Continence Care, Wound & Skin Care and Interventional Urology

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