Page 11 - OASC February 2021 Newsletter
P. 11

“But what if I have emergency surgery, and can’t practice beforehand?”
In this case, I would hope that you have a stoma nurse available at your hospital to discuss the proper way to change your appliance. They may change it a few times while you’re in the hospital, but will likely have you change your appliance at least once before they discharge you. Take that opportunity to ask questions! The more you know, the better you can handle this new task.
I found that watching videos on how other ostomates change their appliance helped me tremendously in the beginning. While our routines may differ slightly, you’ll get an idea of what to expect with each bag change. Of course, you can perfect the art of an appliance change at home, where you’ll learn what technique works best for your skin and stoma.
Good Appliance = Positive Experience...
This is a very important point! The only time I feel insecure about my appliance is when I’m trying a new one out for the first time OR when I’m using a regular wear wafer (which peels and won’t stick very well to my skin).
Chances are, you’ll be sent home with an appliance from a brand that your hospital has a contract with. This, however, may not be the best appliance for YOU, so it’s so important to try other ones at some point.
In addition to your bag and wafer, you should also sample other supplies that you’ve been instructed to use (stoma powder, barrier rings, barrier wipes, etc.). But remember the golden rule of stoma care: Only use as many products as you need!
“More does NOT equal better when it comes to using ostomy supplies!”
— Eric Polsinelli,
Every major manufacturer offers free samples, and your stoma nurse may be able to request samples on your behalf, too.
Explore Accessories and Clothing Options!...
Supplies are the things you need, like wafers and bags, but accessories tend to be things that can enhance your quality of life. I group things like ostomy pouch covers, ostomy wraps, stoma guards, and support belts as accessories, and these are all things that can really boost your confidence when used correctly.
The feeling of a heavy pouch tugging at your abdomen is bound to shake your confidence once in a while. Fortunately, there are accessories that can offer more support in the event that you can’t empty your pouch in time.
Other times, you may find that your pouch is visible under your clothing. You can use things like ostomy wraps, support garments, and specialty clothes made specifically for ostomates. I’ve put together a clothing guide for MEN and WOMEN, which can give you some ideas on what to wear.
If you’re afraid of playing sports or activities that might deliver a blow to your stoma, try a stoma guard!
cont’d on page 12...

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