Page 110 - Mobile Magic
P. 110
Friday dawned bright and fresh. Saffron bounced out of bed and into the kitchen.
‘We got a hundred and thirty four signatures last night! No one wants a suburb at Green Mountain, we’re going to win - I can feel it!’
‘Well done love,’ beamed Angie. ‘I got a phone call from Athol last night. He told us to watch the telly tonight - the A.B.C. News ‘n Views - it’s a Green Mountain special interview.’
‘That sounds great. What time’s it on?’
‘Six thirty. It won’t give you much time at the paddock I’m afraid,’ Angie replied.
‘Want some breakfast?’ asked Tom. ‘Who was that young spunk you were with last night?’ He turned to Angie. ‘There was a skinny redhead carrying Saffron’s packages ... liked his Tee-shirt ... Velvet Underground ... had one just the same twenty years ago.’
‘He signed the petition and we started talking. His name is Mitch. We talked for an hour because the others all took off.’
‘So what did you talk about to a strange boy, for so long?’ asked her father.
‘Horses, he owns heaps of them and lives out of town.’ ‘Sounds a good pick up line to me,’ said Tom.