Page 57 - Mobile Magic
P. 57
‘Hello, hello, Ronnie. Why do you ride in
a box with wheels?
‘Who are these human companions?’ ‘The boy is my brother
Chuckie and the two men are good friends of my mother, who have come to help us save
Green Mountain.’
‘How shall they do that?’
‘They are scientists,’ replied Saffron. The bird swayed on his
perch and his feathers took on a greenish hue.
‘No don’t worry - it’s all right - they’re friendly - they want to
help. You’ll have to be careful not to be too obvious and we mustn’t be heard talking together. They’ve just come to check out how the ecosystem works and note down any rare plants and animals they find.’
‘They will not take us? Put us in cages? Kill and stuff us?’ asked Mobo, shuddering.
‘No, I know scientists used to act that way, but these guys will only take pictures with their camera - so other humans can see how rare and wonderful it is here. Then people can see for themselves why it’s got to be preserved and not have a suburb built on it.’
‘Right Ronnie, O.K. We will trust Ronnie, Mobo will be brave and discreet. Little brown birds have chosen to approach humans for help - must allow help to come.’