Page 298 - Protec PR Book Volume 1
P. 298
Next, we started to design the overall system required for such a large-scale video production. At the same time, the content team prepared the first test content, which was imported into d3 for previsualization. The entire show could be built virtually, including screen movement simulations, audio playback, live camera input and more.
A new d3 feature developed with BlackTrax facilitated projector calibration for the awards ceremony (IS THERE A NAME FOR THIS FEATURE? Don’t think so). “Usually we calibrate projectors by mapping them onto the actual surface – a building facade, a car, a theater set,” Bajt explains. “But in this case, none of the set pieces were finished when we were scheduled to start the calibration. So we calibrated the projectors to the volume of the planned screen movements, imagine a ‘bounding box’ around the intended screen positions.