Page 11 - ODJFS Human Trafficking Response Summary 2017-2018
P. 11
Appendix A: Ohio Human Trafficking Victim/Survivor Survey
Ohio Human Trafficking Victim/Survivor Survey SFY2 Q1
General Information
Welcome to the Ohio Human Trafficking Victim/Survivor Survey. This survey helps our network in several ways: it provides feedback to our funders/grantors about the great efforts being made around Ohio by CACs such as yours - which helps continue our efforts to better identify and serve children who have been exploited. Secondly, the data gathered in this survey will help guide our planning as a network - both at the statewide and county levels - so we can identify effective strategies and construct new innovative approaches to further our mission of providing safety and comprehensive care to children who have endured and survived these atrocities.
If you have any question or if I can help in any way, let me know. E:
P: 614.557.9874
Thank you for your time and steadfast compassion,
Seth W. Boughton MSW,QMHP
Human Trafficking Coordinator, ONCAC
This survey covers all Human Trafficking Victims/Survivors served by your CAC during SFY2, Quarter 1 (July 1 - September 30, 2018).
1. Name of person completing survey.
2. What is the name of your Children's Advocacy Center?
3. What county does your CAC serve? (If your CAC serves more than one county, please select the county your CAC is in)
Please reference the following definitions:
Labor Trafficking - the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud, or coercion for the purposes of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery, (22 USC § 7102).
CSEC/Sex Trafficking - the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, obtaining, patronizing, or soliciting of a person for the purposes of a commercial sex act, in which the commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such an act has not attained 18 years of age (22 USC § 7102).
Internet-Based Sexual Exploitation of Children - This applies to sex trafficking cases wherein the principle means of child abuse/exploitation involves internet-based methods. These may include webcam sites, child pornography, and/or the stalking/harassment/recruitment/solicitation which occurs via online technologies.
High Risk of Human Trafficking - Individuals at high risk of trafficking are often Individuals between the ages 0-17, who have not disclosed activities that meet the above definitions of human trafficking. However, the following indicators are present at referral and/or assessment:
4 or more of the following histories:
2 or more of the following:
Child Sexual Abuse History of meeting others online or posting pictures online
Runaway Behavior (4 or more times in the past year)
Individual Transported in large group to and from workplace
Homelessness Individual sleeps and resides where he/she works
Truancy Individual works in a place that makes them feel scared or unsafe
Juvenile Court Involvement Individual has undocumented immigration or refugee status
CPS Involvement, including Foster Individual does not have identification or reports someone else Care is holding his/her identification
Drug Use
Individual traveled because of work or education, only to find they would not be doing what was expected
Ohio Human Trafficking Victim/Survivor Survey SFY2 Q1
Internet-Based Sexual Exploitation of Children
The next three questions aim to identify some key information on the frequency and nature of internet- based exploitation of children. These brief questions will help us in determining baseline data across the CAC network, which will help with future actions to address a key method of child exploitation and/or trafficking. Additionally, Ohio is in the earliest phases of looking into Alicia's law which would potentially strengthen cooperative efforts between ICAC and CACs to identify and address the needs of victim/survivors of this form of exploitation through additional funding and resource development.
7. If known, how many cases this quarter involved internet-based sexual exploitation of children in the form of recruitment or grooming?
0 15+
8. If known, how many cases this quarter involved internet-based sexual exploitation of children in the form of production and/or distribution of child abuse images (typically referred to as child pornography or sexual content involving minors)?
0 15+
9. How many referrals for internet-based sexual exploitation of children were received via an Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) task force?
0 15+
Psychiatric Admissions
Individual owes someone money or something of value after he/she organized victim's travel to the U.S. or some other location
Multiple Sexual Partners
Individual has been tricked or coerced into completing work they did not want to do.
Sexually Transmitted Infections/Pregnancy
4. Has your CAC received referrals for services for victims/survivors or youth at high-risk of human trafficking this quarter?
Yes No
5. Has your CAC provided services to victims/survivors or youth at high risk of human trafficking this quarter?
Yes No
6. Has your CAC made a referral for services for victims/survivors or youth at high risk of human trafficking this quarter?
Yes No