Page 7 - ODJFS Human Trafficking Response Summary 2017-2018
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consistent profile template. Additionally, when possible information was gathered regarding traffickers and their prosecution. However, more data is needed on traffickers before this information can be accurately interpreted. As an additional note, this data provides insights into who is receiving referrals and services through CACs only, and cannot be considered an accurate for what the actual profile may be for youth trafficked in Ohio who remain under-identified. When significant disparities exist between community population demographics, interpretations may be made for the preliminary identification of underserved populations.
Referrals for Service and Youth Served by CACs:
Throughout Year 1 of this grant, CACs saw significant quarterly gains in the number of youth referred into CAC services, those receiving services at CACs, and those referred by CACs for additional ongoing care. Data collection began in the 2nd Quarter of the first year of this grant. At this time engagement with victim/survivors and youth at high-risk of trafficking hovered around the 40% mark. By the 3rd quarter approximately 67% of CACs reported receiving and providing Human trafficking related services.
Accordingly, as some youth may have differing referral needs following CAC services and certain CACs have have different in-house services available, 56% of youth received referrals to outside services. By our 4th quarter all metrics of service are approaching 85% to 92% (Fig.4). While a progressively lower response rate moving into our final quarter may contribute to decreased measure sensitivity, the consistent trend of growth exceeds the rate change attributable to this fact. Thus it is safe to assume growth in these domains is a fairly accurate reflection of actual changes. To further the validity and reasonability of this interpretation are the concurrent increased total children served each quarter, with 20 in the 2nd quarter, 30 in the 3rd quarter, and 43 in the 4th quarter.
    Human Trafficking Case Profile:
Among the forms of trafficking most commonly identified and referred for service, are youth exploited via sex trafficking or youth that present with multiple significant risk-factors for being trafficked. These cases constitute approximately 90% of all cases referred in. Additionally a new metric regarding internet-based exploitation explored in the 4th quarter presents a further breakdown of co-occuring poly-victimization. The nature of this exploitation localizes on recruitment and grooming among high-risk youth and the production of exploitative content among those identified as survivors of sex trafficking. Early indications show that internet-based exploitation may play a role in conservatively to 2/3rds of all cases. Further data is needed to allow for accurate interpretation of these indications. All of this considered, the lack of referrals regarding labor trafficking portends to the ongoing significant barriers in reaching out to youth exploited for non-sex based labor and should remain a focus area for further development and outreach.
Composite Youth Profile:
While perhaps not fully representative of the larger target population of youth exploited by traffickers, the Victim/Survivor Survey does provide insights into the population most commonly identified and referred for services at CACs. The majority of cases referred in center around sexual exploitation, roughly over 90% of all youth are female. In terms of peak age groups targeted, on average high-risk groups are referred for services between the ages of 13 to 15 while those referred for sex trafficking are generally 16 to 17 years old. This follows expected predictions that risk-factor identification may provide linkage to services at an earlier age point than populations pending referral on the basis of prior disclosure of trafficking. Overall ages ranged from over 19 years of age to less than 4 years old. In the case of a child under 4 years old, cult-based trafficking was a component, however individuals as young as 8 have been targeted by sex traffickers.

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