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  Support & Healing How CACs in Ohio are helping to restore lives
  Despite the ongoing pandemic, CACs kept
their doors open and continue to help create a space in which children and caregivers can feel safe. Here is what caregivers said about their visits to a CAC in Ohio:
“I think she sees this as a safe place physically, mentally, and emotionally.” 1
“The staff here at the center are amazing. Everyone has been professional, kind, informative, and we will be leaving feeling better than when we walked in.
I am thankful for the staff and services offered here at the center.” 1
   From the Data:
97% of Caregivers in Ohio agree that their child felt safe at the CAC and 96% Agree that CACs help families support their children.
Ohio Network of Children’s Advocacy Centers • Outcomes for Children’s Advocacy Centers - 2020 4

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