Page 5 - ONCAC - Community Assessment Report 2020
P. 5

  Support & Healing How CACs in Ohio are helping to restore lives
  CACs help create a space
in which children and caregivers can
feel safe. Here is what caregivers said about their visits to a CAC in Ohio:
“The staff here are very informative and very friendly, feels like home.” 1
“My daughter came in and started playing with the toys, she was excited” 1
“I think they did a great job at making my kids feel safe and informing me on everything and trying to help
me feel comfortable in a horrible situation” 1
   From the Data:
98% of Caregivers in Ohio agree that their child felt safe at the CAC and 92% Agree that CACs help families support
their children.
Ohio Network of Children’s Advocacy Centers • Outcomes for Children’s Advocacy Centers - 2018 4

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