Page 22 - 2018 Readers Studio Program Book
P. 22

What Should I Ask?
One of the joys of Readers Studio is the opportunity to get many readings during the course of the weekend. But it can also be a challenge to come up with questions for those readings. Here are some practical questions that address many day-to-day concerns. (Asking the deeper questions about “life, the universe and everything” is another matter. You can certainly ask them, but that’s beyond the scope of this page.) You can ask these questions just the way they’re written, or allow them to get you thinking of more personal versions...
How can I accomplish my goal of ______? Is this goal in line with my life vision? How should I direct my energy?
What new thing should I do next?
How can I let go of _________?
How can I feel / be more cheerful?
How can I avoid breaking up with my partner?
When is the best time for me to take this trip?
What will be the effect of raising my prices?
Is the timing right for me to raise my prices?
What is the best way to communicate with _________?
How can I restore the peace in this situation?
I want to start a business.
Is now a good time to do that?
How can I build my business?
Where’s the money I’m NOT making? What am I leaving on the table?
What systems can I put in place to become more effective, efficient and organized?
How can I reduce my stress about ______?
How can I be a better parent?
I have all these bottled up emotions and feel like I’m going to explode. How can I channel them in a creative or productive way?
How can I overcome my anger at _______? Why do I have trouble sleeping?
What do I have to change to become more social and less isolated?
How will having another child affect our family?
How can I best care for my elderly parent(s)? How can I bring more friends into my life? What is the cause of _________?
What am I missing / not seeing?
What are the limitations of this situation?
What are the alternatives?
What is the smartest choice?
What should I be cautious of in this situation?
How can I overcome this challenge?
Where should I begin?
What am I forgetting?
Where am I holding back?
What will help me have a breakthrough in _________?
What is the best way to handle my career transition?
What can I do to attract a rewarding relationship?
In what ways can I best invest in my personal and/or professional growth?
What would make my life more meaningful? Where can I find inspiration?
Excerpted from“What Should I Ask?” a Tarot School Study Guide. Available at

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