Page 37 - 2018 Readers Studio Program Book
P. 37

How Going to the Readers Studio Changed My Life
by Liz Westwater
I’d been a student of Tarot for many years when I went to my first Readers Studio in 2016. Tarot came into my life as part of my spiritual practice back in the 1980s. I’d bring out a deck each Sabbat as part of my celebration and ritual, pulling a card to put on my altar for a few days. Then my deck would be tucked away until the next holiday arrived. I dabbled in Tarot this way for many years adding the occasional deck to my meager collection. A few years back I decided to delve into the study of Tarot more deeply and regularly. When I went to RS16 I had been working with Tarot to some degree for many years.
I arrived in NYC at RS16 not knowing a soul at the conference, and having never read professionally for anyone. What startled me about RS16 was the atmosphere. Everyone was so friendly and welcoming. It was so non-hierarchical! They even had a “first-timers” welcome ritual. And to my delight Ruth Ann started the conference off by calling in the directions. I had found my home, my place, my people!!!!! Random people came up to me and asked me, “Want to trade readings?” or “Have you had dinner, I’m calling out for pizza.”
After learning about the online Tarot community at RS16, I joined several FB Tarot groups and began posting my daily Tarot pulls on Instagram. I started doing Tarot Challenges and watching YouTube videos. I was “meeting” fellow Tarot lovers from all over the world! These people spoke my language! My Tarot world was expanding exponentially!
Then RS17 rolled around. That year I had a roommate, which added to the camaraderie and fun of the conference. I brought items for the swap table and scored a few great decks! I attended Study Groups and met more and more people and learned more
and more about reading the cards. I even
brought my “squared” deck with me (thank you Veronica Jude!) to use at the foundation reading.
My life has changed so much, Tarot is now an integral part of my daily life. My Tarot collection has grown along with my understanding of the cards and my ability to read. I have begun to read professionally and am slowly building a Tarot practice. My life is fuller and richer and a lot more fun because of a chance online encounter with The Tarot School. Thanks to Ruth Ann and Wald for creating such a great atmosphere and wonderful gathering place for the Tarot community. And also thank you Ferol Humphrey for being a wonderful teacher and a fun person to read with!!!!
Note: Liz Westwater and Veronica Jude will be teaching a Study Group about their innovative deck modification techniques. Liz will also be leading this year’s First-Timer Ritual.

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