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Exp.   Exp.           %age
             PROJECT           PB Item                                         Last   upto   during   Anticipate  Phy.
        SN            PH Y-o-S (PB,LB,D       Short Name of Work        Alloc.  Sanc              d TDC of                          REMARKS                     Status
                ID              RM)                                            Cost  March   2020-  Rly portion  progres
                                                                                       '20  2021           s of Rly
    42  2017- PB-649 Kacheguda - Relocation of IOH shed for   Cap.  81730  48301  16605  31/07/2021 75  PB NO:649 of 2020-21: Scope: 1.Construction of new IOH shed   PHC
            1.52.001       2018      decongesting coaching complex                                               2.Service Building 3. Track work        Status: Construction of IOH
                                                                                                                 shed and Service building are completed. Track work to be taken
                                                                                                                 up. SIP approval under process for shifting of Shunt permit
                                                                                                                 indicator signal. Shifting of OHE portal also involved.   TDC
    42  2018- PB-656 Moula Ali - Upgradation / repl of stationary flash  RRSK  77094  6039  14408  31/03/2023 25  PB 656 of 2020-21:
            1.52.001       2019      butt welding plant                                                          This work consists of 3 Civil sub works cost: 4.56 Cr and one Elec.
                                                                                                                 Sub work cost: 2.62Cr
                                                                                                                 Civil sub works:
                                                                                                                 1) Laying of Addl. two lines:  The contract foreclosed on during the
                                                                                                                 month of Aug-2020.
         2                                                                                                       2) Provision of Addl. 8 gantries: Work completed. Pending bill
                                                                                                                 Rs.42.57 lakhs sent to accounts. FCC under process.
                                                                                                                 3) Laying of Approach road: About 15% of work completed. Work
                                                                                                                 in progress.
                                                                                                                 4) Elec.subwork: LOA issued on 19.10.2020. Work in progress.
                                                                                                                 Note: The above works v T
    42  2019- LB-681 Integrated Bogie Assembly and Dis-assembly for  Cap.  0  0  0  31/03/2022  This work is essentially required for complete automation of LHB   WIP
            1.52.001       2020      LGD shops                                                                   FIAT Bogie POH. This system shall mainly consists of the
                                                                                                                 Integrated Bogie Disassembly and Assembly line, tool set for
                                                                                                                 tightening and torqueing ,material handling equipment, data
         3                                                                                                       acquisition , storage and traceability system (wherever required
                                                                                                                 ),Manipulators for Bogie inversion, Bolster assembly inversion and
                                                                                                                 other related equipment. Draft  specification for item has been
                                                                                                                 received for comments/confirmation on 07.12.2020 ,the same is
    42  2012-  LB-673 Hyderabad Division-CWM/LGDS - Provision of   DF(3),R 3942  2700  0  31/03/2021 100  Funds of Rs.15 Lakhs has been allotted under Revised Grant   PHC
            3.52.004       2013      450 KL GLR & Pumping facility for fire fighting  RSK                        2020-21. Rs.15 Lakhs payment done in FCC. More 0.85 Lakhs
                                                                                                                 payment pending in FCC due to non availability of funds. PVC bill
                                                                                                                 for amount of Rs.2.00 Lakhs expected.TDC 31/03/2021
    42  2018-  LB-672 Renovating spring painting facilities and   RRSK  22594  0  0  31/03/2022 0  This work is essentially required. Repair and Renovation of   WIP
            3.52.010       2019      Mechanized handling in spring shop at                                       existing conveyor system by installing the Dip Painting Plant with
                                     CWS/LGD                                                                     oven and automatic conveyor system for automatic painting of
                                                                                                                 Railway Coil Springs at Spring shop. Indent forwarded to
                                                                                                                 COFMOW on 08.07.2020. Specification under finalization at
                                                                                                                 COFMOW. TDC 31/03/2022
    42  2019-  LB-674 Hyderabad Division - Extension of existing two   DF(3)  11811  0  0  31/12/2021 5  Work in progress. Funds to a tune of Rs. 85 Lakhs are required.   WIP
            3.52.001       2020      washing lines along with catwalk by 40 meters                               TDC 31/12/2021.
                                     towards KZJ end to accommodate 12 car MMTS
    42  2019-  LB-675 Hyderabad-Construction of Pit line for ART&   Cap.  14722  0  0  31/03/2022 5  MECHANICAL-Indent is under preparation.
         7  3.52.002       2020      MRV at Nizamabad                                                            CIVIL- Work in progress, Funds to a tune of 60 Lakhs is required.
                                                                                                                 TDC 31/03/2022
    42  2019-  LB-676 MLY -  Installation and commissioning of   Cap.  21514  0  0  31/03/2021 10  Site inspection completed by firm. Firm has to submit GAD for   PHC
            3.52.003       2020      Automatic Coach washing plant at  ECS/MLY                                   approval. Firm has been advised to submit GAD to suit to install
         8                                                                                                       ACWP for cleaning of EMU and MEMUs of different widths, as
                                                                                                                 advised during site inspection. GAD from M/s Oriental is yet to be
DC 31/03/2021
    42  2019-  LB-677 Hyderabad Division -ECS/MLY: Creation of   Cap.  0  0  0  31/03/2022  Detailed estimate under preparation. Part detailed estimates   EST
         9  3.52.004       2020      Maintenance facilities for homing of three phase                            awaited from Engg, S&T and Elec (G). TDC 31/03/2022.
                                     EMUs  under MMTS phase-II