Page 1 - PH-3600
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Exp. Exp. %age
PROJECT PB Item Last upto during Anticipate Phy.
SN PH Y-o-S (PB,LB,D Short Name of Work Alloc. Sanc d TDC of REMARKS Status
ID RM) Cost March 2020- Rly portion progres
'20 2021 s of Rly 36 2018- - Provision of modernised panel board with smart Cap. 4466 2917 1245 31/03/2021 95 Work in progress. TDC 31/03/2021 PHC
1 4.52.004 2019 metering on Hyderabad Division 36 2019- - Hyderabad Division: Replacement of lift No.1&2 DRF 7599 0 0 31/10/2021 20 Work in progress, PO released released. TDC 31-10-21 WIP
2 4.52.001 2020 at Rail Nilayam 36 2019- - Hyderabad Division: Provision of RMUs in place Cap. 6999 0 6256 31/03/2021 50 Work completed & FCC-1 paid for Rs.6251333/-in feb'21, CR to PHC
3 4.52.003 2020 of 6 pole/ 4 pole structure sub ststion be drawn.TDC 31/03/2021 36 2018- LB-614 OOT- Provision of new OHE tower car shed for 8-RRSK 22789 0 0 30/11/2021 10 Elec. portion -LOA issued on 02.12.19 for Rs.1179978/-. Civil LOA WIP
4 6.52.001 2019 Wheeler tower car; at KCG on 08.11.2019 for Rs.2173834, Work In Progress. TDC 30/11/21 36 2017- LB-613 Hyderabad Division - Replacement of over aged/ DRF 4346 984 0 31/03/2021 70 Work in progress, TDC 31/03/2021. PHC
3.52.001 2018 defective pumps with energy efficient pump sets
and accessories on energy conservation
measures 36 2018- LB-617 HYB divn- Provision of smart meters at service DF(3) 10827 0 6243 31/03/2021 70 Work in Progress.CC-II paid for Rs.2718899/-in feb'21.TDC PHC
3.52.002 2019 buildings and staff quarters, energy efficient 31/03/2021
ACs, occupancy sensors etc in service building. 36 2018- LB-616 Hyderabad Division: Provision of VCBs and DF(3) 15703 0 0 30/04/2021 20 Work in progress. TDC 30/04/2021 PHC
7 3.52.003 2019 RMUs in HT power supply with SCADA system