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Exp.   Exp.           %age
             PROJECT           PB Item                                         Last   upto   during   Anticipate  Phy.
        SN            PH Y-o-S (PB,LB,D       Short Name of Work        Alloc.  Sanc              d TDC of                          REMARKS                     Status
                ID              RM)                                            Cost  March   2020-  Rly portion  progres
                                                                                       '20  2021           s of Rly
    29  2017-  -  Hyderabad division- Provision of Interlocked   RRSK  1300  898  370  31/07/2021 90  Work in progress. 4 gates completed. Balance One gate LC - 58   PHC
            4.52.001       2018      Sliding type booms as stand by Lifting barrier                              (MBNR) pending due to non closure of LC 62 by Engg. TDC
                                     Replacement of Mechanical operated Lifting
    29  2018-  -  Booms at 5 Interlocked LC gates.  RRSK  6673  4121  1946  31/12/2021 65  31.07.2021
                                                                                                                  Work completed at LC-68, LC-145 and LC-155. Work in progress  WIP
            4.52.004       2019      barrier with Electrical operated lifting barrier at 5                       at LC-138 and LC-104. 

                                     interlocked LC gates (Traffic)  on SC-DHNE Se
    29  2018-  -  Hyderabad division : improvements to Level   RRSK  15851  4165  8726  31/03/2021 85  Double barricading, provision of hooter,road signal work   PHC
            4.52.005       2019      Crossing Gates Section.                                                     completed at LC Nos.164, 162, 127, 155, 145,108, 109, 110, 103,
         3                                                                                                       141, 150, and 156. Balance Work i.e at 35 Lcs Hooters to be
                                                                                                                 provided. at 20 Lcs Double barricading to be provided and work is
                                                                                                                 in Progress. TDC 31.03.2021
    29  2019-  -  Hyderabad division - Provision of smart real time  RRSK  7489  0  2100  31/10/2021 35  Out of 56 NI LCs(as per tender) At 16 LC gates (Lc   WIP
            4.52.001       2020      gate position and auto PN system at non-                                    No.12,20,22,23/A,24,30,45,206,207,209,214,215A, 216,4/JB,9/JB
                                     interlocked LCs.                                                            & 189) and connected 12 stations Auto PN system installed as per
         4                                                                                                       Operating procedure dt 15.3.2019 which was adopted in tender
                                                                                                                 condition but not yet commissioned. Work temporarily stopped as
                                                                                                                 new flow chart has been issued by HQRS.  TDC 31/10/2021
    29  2015- LB-64 HYB divn- Proposed Up gradation and   RRSK  16374  9019  1901  31/10/2020 95  FCC Passed and recommended to HQRS for   DEL
         5  2.52.002       2016      interlocking of LC gate No. 164  185 and.39                                 deletion.Recommended & sent to RLY.BD. for deletion of work
                                                                                                                 from IRPSM Through PCE/SCR.
    29  2017- LB-69 Hyderabad division - Manning of Unmanned LC  RRSK  5092  751  336  30/04/2021 60  Work completed. Contractor injured and bed ridden. TDC   PHC
         6  6.52.001       2018      gate 225 between MZL-WDR and LC gate 216                                    30.04.2021
                                     between TMD-BKU stations.
    29  2016-  LB-68 Veldurthi~~Hyderabad Division:SC-DHNE   RRSK  7550  2633  0  31/03/2021 70  LC Closed by providing WBM road , BT to be done. TDC   PHC
            3.52.001       2017      Section: Elimination of Manned Level Crossing                               31.03.2021
                                     No: 148 duly diverting to Manned LC No: 147
                                     between UKD-VDI
    29  2019-  LB-70 MUE-SC-DHNE, JKM-BDHN & GWD-RC -   RRSK  34334  0  5938  30/06/2022 20  Work in progress. TDC 30/06/2022             WIP
            3.52.001       2020      Improvements to gate lodges,
                                     Construction/Improvements to toilets, water
                                     supply arrangements at gate lodges,
    29  2020-  LB-101 Hyderabad Division-Interlocking of LC gate   RRSK  7148  0  31/12/2021 40  LC gate Interlocked.Stores liability pending.TDC = 31.12.2021  WIP
         9  3.52.001       2021      No.189A at Km 448/8-9 between NVT-JKM