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Exp.   Exp.           %age
             PROJECT           PB Item                                         Last   upto   during   Anticipate  Phy.
        SN            PH Y-o-S (PB,LB,D       Short Name of Work        Alloc.  Sanc              d TDC of                          REMARKS                     Status
                ID              RM)                                            Cost  March   2020-  Rly portion  progres
                                                                                       '20  2021           s of Rly
    32  2018-  -  SC-DHNE:Proposed Rebuilding of existing STC  RRSK  24500  173  0  30/06/2022 2  Work yet to be started. After completion of Bridge No. 757   WIP
            4.52.001       2019      Br.No:756 at KM 617/200-300 between MJF-                                    extension, this bridge no.756 work will be taken up due to site
                                     STPD as RCC Box due to Inadequate water way                                 constraints. TDC 30/06/2022
    32  2018-  -  SC-DHNE Sec: Proposed Rebuilding of existing  RRSK  24500  684  3459  31/07/2021 22  Box Casting Completed. Pushing to be done. TDC 31/07/2021.  PHC
            4.52.002       2019      STC Br.No:757 at KM 617/300-400 between
                                     MJF-STPD as RCC Box due to Inadequate
                                     water way condition.
    32  2018-  -  HYB Div: Proposed Replacement of STC   RRSK  22632  0  4980  31/03/2021 30  Work recommended for Closure. TDC 31/03/2021.  PHC
         3  4.52.003       2019      Bridges with RCC Box. (5 Nos viz.,Bridge No.
                                     129, 130, 131, 139 & 140 )
    32  2019-  -  Hyb Div: 1.Installation and Maintenance of   RRSK  2521  0  1928  30/04/2021 75  Work is in progress. Equipment installed and commissioned at   PHC
            4.52.001       2020      Water Level Monitoring System at  Bridges No:                               both Bridges (Br No 434 and 442). Rs.30 lakhs bill pending  for
                                     442&434 and Maint. Water Level Monitoring of                                want of funds. Maintenance period for this work is one year(Dec-
                                     Bridge No 398.                                                              2021). TDC 30/04/2021
    32  2015- PB-514 Hyderabad Division - Repl of stone top culvert   DRF,RR 29353  25059  3507  28/02/2021 100  Work Completed FCC Passed. Already Recommended for   DEL
         5  1.52.001       2016      bridges with RCC boxes (10 bridges)  SK                                     Deletion. Now pending with HQRs. TDC 28/02/2021
    32  2020-  -  HYB Division : SC-DHNE Section :- Prov. of Side RRSK  0  0  31/03/2022 0  Detailed Estimate Under Preparation.          EST
            1.52.001       2021      Pathway for Bridge No.398 @ 181/350-182/300
                                     Sriramnagar-Gwd Stations and Bridge No. 442
                                     @ 240/800.