Page 26 - Sheppard Mullin Capabilities Overview Prepared for Regeneron
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U.S. sanctions enforcement often reaches outside the bounds of the United States to investigate and penalize non-U.S. companies and financial institutions. We counsel our clients around the world on how to prepare for, respond to, and defend civil and criminal enforcement actions by the U.S. Department of Treasury and U.S. Department of Justice.
U.S. Sanctions Create Global Impact
U.S. sanctions carry with them the force of U.S. markets, the U.S. banking system, and the U.S. dollar. Using those tools, the U.S. government can effectively impose its foreign policy aims on foreign companies by threatening to bar those companies from receiving U.S. exports or transacting with U.S. persons or banks.
Our attorneys counsel U.S. and non-U.S. companies on business planning in preparation for new sanctions, compliance with existing sanctions, and investigations and defense for potential sanctions violations. Additionally we guide our clients through the daunting process of obtaining U.S. government licenses in order to do business with sanctioned parties or countries.
     Recent Representative Experience
• Defending Asian financial institutions in a criminal enforcement matter related to activity in OFAC-sanctioned countries
• Defending European telecommunications major in a U.S. Department of Justice criminal investigation
• SupportingAsianandEuropeanclientsenteringandexitingIranianmarketacrosssectorsincludingenergy,manufacturing, financial services, construction and engineering, transportation, and security
• Planning market entry compliance for Global 500 entities entering Cuba, Iran, and Sudan under sanctions rollbacks
• Drafting and implementing global sanctions compliance programs including policies, procedures and trainings
• Real time advice on critical and urgent business decisions with complex sanctions risk implications
• Project planning for EU companies invested in Russian oil industry at inception of U.S. and EU sanctions on Russia
 Brussels | Century City | Chicago | Dallas | Houston | London | Los Angeles | New York | Orange County
San Diego (Downtown) | San Diego (Del Mar) | San Francisco | Seoul | Shanghai | Silicon Valley | Washington, D.C.
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