Page 35 - Sheppard Mullin Capabilities Overview Prepared for Regeneron
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Innovation Tools
Collaboration Platform. Clients can have full access to our user-friendly, secure extranet collaboration platform. Our ex- tranet combines advanced document management features with leading-edge enterprise collaboration tools. Our clients take advantage of our extranet to collaborate on documents with our attorneys in real time, track projects, keep tabs of who’s doing what with task escalation, and maintain case schedules. We also use it as a central repository to host relevant reference materials and a destination for real time matter updates.
Digital Transaction Workflow System. We can identify and streamline transactional tasks for clients through a digital workflow system. This is done through online checklists that automate manual workflows, including electronic signature management and transaction closings, resulting in increased efficiency and improved transparency.
Document Automation System. We can identify and automate commonly used form documents and provisions, so the relevant information is only entered once, and final documents are created through an automated web-based interface from standard forms. This will minimize manual work and improve consistency of work-product for clients
eDiscovery Platform. We manage and operate our own data center infrastructure and applications for hosting ESI (elec- tronically stored information) for litigation matters. We pass the cost savings directly to our clients, instead of using third-party service providers for hosting services. Additionally, our dedicated practice support project managers guide data collection, processing and mapping, resulting in additional cost savings.
Legal Operations & Innovation. We have a dedicated legal operations and innovation team that can collaborate directly with our counterparts at our clients to identify process improvement and automation opportunities tailored for your spe- cific requirements. This includes licensing, access and training to the technologies and methodologies we use internally.
Low-Cost Due Diligence & Document Review. A strong differentiator for our firm is our full-time Due Diligence Team, an innovative and efficient solution for clients seeking cost-effective representation for legal due diligence and other routine or high volume matters. Our dedicated team of corporate Sheppard attorneys based in New York and California offers lower billable rates and has been extensively trained, and focuses on conducting due diligence using advanced AI-based due diligence platform, often under expedited timelines. The expertise, speed, automation and efficiency that our Due Diligence Team can provide is unparalleled, and allows us to deliver high-level services quickly, effectively and predictably in a cost-efficient manner.
Real time and End of Matter Client Feedback. We have an automated client feedback system that solicits input in real time and at the conclusion of the matter to help us serve you better. This is in addition to a formal after action review done at the matter’s conclusion.
Century City | Los Angeles | New York | Washington, D.C. | Chicago | Dallas | Houston | San Francisco | Silicon Valley Orange County | San Diego (Downtown) | San Diego (Del Mar) | Brussels | London | Seoul | Shanghai
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