Page 6 - Sheppard Mullin Capabilities Overview Prepared for Regeneron
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 Life Sciences Industry Team
Sheppard Mullin represents a diverse client base in the biotechnology, pharmaceutical, medical device, diagnostic, digital health and medtech sectors, ranging from large publicly-traded organizations to early and mid-stage start-up companies. Attorneys in the U.S., and internationally through our offices in London, Brussels, Seoul and Shanghai, assist companies with strategic issues in every phase of their growth cycle. Our team is comprised of a number of attorneys, patent agents and scientific advisors who possess hands-on research experience and advanced degrees, including in the areas of biochemistry, cell biology, chemistry, molecular biology, pharmacology and biomedical engineering, to fully support the legal needs of our clients.
   Broad Industry Strength
Our team regularly assists life sciences clients with venture capital financing, private placements, initial public offerings, general corporate work, strategic IP, pre-clinical and clinical trials, FDA regulatory approval and launch strategies, healthcare and privacy compli- ance, and issues that range from acquisitions to an- titrust, entity formation to enforceability evaluations, licensing to litigation, patents to product liability and trademarks to transfer pricing. In an industry where partnerships and collaboration are on the rise and there is pressure to produce results, we work hand-in- hand with our clients in their drive for regulatory ap- proval, commercialization and profitability.
Deep Regulatory Bench Knowledge
We counsel companies and investors on the FDA ap- proval pathway of proposed new products and con- cepts, including strategies for introducing novel ther- apies. We work with clients during the research and development phases on issues concerning the conduct of pre-clinical and clinical studies, FDA market exclu- sivity options, reimbursement strategies and, in con- sultation with patent attorneys, patent strategies for maximizing product life.
A Full Slate of Life Sciences Clients
Ranging from startups to multinational corporations, we represent clients across the entire spectrum of the
life sciences industry.
Active Market Players
We deliver effective representation for U.S. and inter- national life sciences companies and investors. Our combined legal, business and technical skills enable us to support the business, regulatory and IP strategies and development goals of our clients.
We have the ability, as needed, to call upon our pool of over 1,000 attorneys from our 16 offices worldwide to serve each individual client or transaction.
  Brussels | Century City | Chicago | Dallas | Houston | London | Los Angeles | New York | Orange County
San Diego (Downtown) | San Diego (Del Mar) | San Francisco | Seoul | Shanghai | Silicon Valley | Washington, D.C.
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