Page 23 - 2021 ABLE Conference Brochure
P. 23

 Illustrative List Of Organizations Supporting the ABLE ProjectTM
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) New Hampshire *
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Washington State *
Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Washington DC *
Black Lives Matter Rockwall, TX *
Black Lives Matter Southern Methodist University *
Black Political Caucus (Cabarras County, NC) *
BREAD (Building Responsibility, Equality, and Dignity) §
Caruth Police Institute at The University of North Texas Dallas **
Center for Policing Equity **
Clemson University ***
Congregation Bet Ha’am (South Portland, ME) *
Council on Criminal Justice’s Independent Task Force On Policing §
District of Columbia Police Reform Commission §
Dutchess County [New York] Police Reform & Modernization Collaboration §
Fort Worth Hispanic Chamber of Commerce *
Human Rights Commission (Alexandria, VA) *
Huntington Black Pastors Ministerial Association (WV) *
Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights **
NAACP (Baltimore County Maryland) *
NAACP (Baltimore, MD) *
NAACP (Cabarrus County Branch) *
NAACP (Carroll County, MD) *
NAACP (Lafourche Parish) *
NAACP (Manchester, NH) *
NAACP (Montgomery County, Maryland) *
NAACP (New Hanover County, NC) *
NAACP Irving/Carrollton Branch*
National Alliance on Mental Illness (New Hampshire) *
National Institute for Criminal Justice Reform §
National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives (WA State Chapter) * National Underground Railroad Freedom Center*
New Hampshire Commission on Law Enforcement Accountability, Community, and Transparency § New Jersey Attorney General’s Office §
New York City Reform and Reinvention Collaborative §
Oakland [California] Reimagining Public Safety Task Force §
Selma Center for Nonviolence, Truth, & Reconciliation ***
Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP **
Suffolk County [New York] Police Reform & Reinvention Task Force §
Town of Greenburgh’s New York State Police Reform Reinvention Collaborative Initiative § United States Holocaust Memorial Museum *
Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis, Inc. *
Urban League of Westchester County, Inc. ***
Westchester County Police Reform & Reimagining Task Force §
    * Organization provided a letter of support for an ABLE law enforcement agency ** Organization has a member who serves on an ABLE advisory board
*** Organization endorses the ABLE Project
§ Organization publicly has recognized/promoted/recommended ABLE
   22. | Fourth Annual Law Enforcement Active Bystandership Conference

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