Page 10 - The Hockey Academy News April 2019
P. 10

Tips for Keeping Your Body
Ready In-Season/Traveling
by Jeffrey Lunn DStrength and Conditioning Coach, CSCS
uring this time for most hockey players, we find ourselves traveling for showcases, camps, tryouts and other spring hockey events. For
these athletes, it is important to keep their bodies fresh and ready for each event. This generally consists of practicing proper nutrition, making time for exercise, and getting plenty of sleep.
Proper Nutrition
Now, this idea may sound like a cliché, but nutrition starts with hydration. Hydration plays an extremely important role in an athlete’s training, performance and recovery. Prior to exercise, an athlete should consume 16 ounces of water two hours before and another 8 to 16 immediately before. During exercise, 4 to 6 ounces of fluid every 15 to 20 minutes for vigorous exercise, which can be decreased if intensity is slightly lower than vigorous. After exercise, an athlete should drink 16 to 24 ounces of water for every pound of bodyweight lost during exercise. An easier way to monitor this is to drink 8 full glasses of water throughout the day, which can be a more effective way in monitoring hydration while traveling.
In addition to hydration, while traveling it is difficult not to stop at the convenient drive thru for an easy meal. This is generally what will happen anyway, but it is important to consider how much protein, carbohydrates, and fats are in each meal. Proteins are especially important for an athlete since they help rebuild and repair muscle tissue after strenuous activity. Proteins should range from about 10% to 35% of an individual’s diet. On the road, instead of going for the burger on the menu look at lean sources of protein like grilled chicken or steak. Fats are often neglected, but these should be included as much of the others because it can be utilized as an energy source during activity. Fats should take up about 20% of an athlete’s diet. Saturated fats and trans fats should be avoided. Foods with unsaturated fats are good; such as seeds, nuts, eggs and peanut butter. Carbohydrates are the body’s main source for energy so it is extremely important to replenish this fuel source in order for optimal performance, so it should make up about 45% to 65% of one’s diet. Carbohydrates don’t just come from potatoes and pasta. These can be substituted for roasted sweet potatoes, colorful fruits (blueberries, strawberries, etc.) and quinoa. Instead of
reaching for those French fries, try and incorporate one of the ideas above. Nutrition can also be divided into pre-exercise and post-exercise nutrition.
Prior to exercise or competition, having a balanced meal, of those macronutrients discussed earlier, 1 to 2 hours before competing is ideal. An example of a balanced meal would consist of about 25% protein, 20% fat and 55% carbohydrate. It should alsobefoodthatdoesnotirritatetheathlete’sstomach, but instead provides energy and maintains blood sugar. Following exercise or competition, an athlete must focus on replenishing carbohydrates and proteins to help replenish energy stores and help repair muscle, respectively. For example, an ideal post exercise meal would be roasted sweet potatoes, lean chicken and spinach. So instead of reaching for those easy meals on the road, consider other options that fulfill these guidelines on the menu. Better yet, bring food on the road with you. Not only will this help save a little money, but it will also aid in recovery and assist in performance each time you hit the ice.
Making Time for Exercise
Exercise isn’t solely dependent upon weight training and cardio. A proper warm-up prior to these camps and showcases is where it all starts. Generally, a warm-up consists of foam rolling, 2 or 3 static stretches, muscular activation and dynamic movements (i.e. lunges, high knees, etc.). An appropriate dynamic warm-up puts the body through a range of motions to prepare it for physical activity. This should take about 15 minutes to complete and can be done in any open space the rink offers.
Sample Dynamic Warm-Up:
• Foam Rolling (5 minutes)
• Quadriceps/Glutes/IT Band/Adductors/Upper
• Static Stretching (2 minutes)
• Hip Flexor Stretch (30 seconds per side)
• Pigeon Stretch (30 seconds per side)
• Muscular Activation (2 minutes)
• Lying Single Leg Glute Bridge (2 sets of 8 reps
per side)
• High Plank with Shoulder Taps (2 sets of 8 reps
per side)
• Dynamic (6 minutes) done at 5 yard intervals • Walking Forward Lunges
• Walking Quadriceps Stretch
• Walking Lateral Lunges
• Walking Spiderman Stretch
• Frankenstein March/Straight Leg March
• High Knees (down and back)

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