Page 16 - The Hockey Academy News November 2017
P. 16
Rule no. 2
*They may laugh when you take a digger, but they still love you.
Want time to connect with the fam? Ask the Hockey Academy about lift ticket specials during hockey tournaments.
family comes
3. 1⁄2 bottle of sports drink or water
4. Granola bar or crackers 5. Almonds w/ some fresh
Post Game Snack (w/in 30
minutes after)
Purpose: Consuming carbs and protein 30 minutes after competition helps your body e ciently recover and repair muscles.
1. Sports drink/water or
chocolate milk
2. Fresh Fruit, Crackers w/
peanut butter or cheese
3. Peanut butter and jelly sandwich or Drinkable
4. Peanuts or Almonds w/ a piece of fruit
Hydration: it is important to fully rehydrate after a game. Drink water until you no longer feel thirsty.
Post Game Meal
Purpose: a well balanced meal following competition will provide your body with the best opportunity to replenish nutrients needed for growth and development. Aim for this meal to be within 30 minutes to 2 hours post game.
Option 1:
1. Grilled Chicken
2. Bread roll
3. Steamed vegetables 4. Rice
5. 1 cup of milk/water
Option 2:
1. Steak
2. Baked Potato
3. Salad - light with the dressing
4. Fresh Fruit
5. 1 cup of milk/water
Additional Options: Fish, lean meats, biscuits, pasta/noodles, quinoa, carrots, asparagus, blueberries, or oranges.