Page 131 - Hypnotic Writing - How to Seduce and Persuade Customers with Only Your Words
P. 131
writing will sell like cold lemonade at a marathon. Overdo it and your writing will read like an advertisement for jelly.
Got it?
“Become a writing wizard! Turn your words into spells no mortal can resist!”
Those two lines were inspired by a brief glance into another book you need on your shelf: The Analogy Book of Related Words by Selma Glasser.
The book is billed as Your Secret Shortcut to Power Writing. I’m not sure if that’s true, but the book can certainly tickle your mind into creating juicy new phrases. Glasser’s book is a word-storming partner. Just open it to one of the several lists, all sorted by cate- gories, and let your mind connect the words listed with the ideas you’re trying to get across.
I was thinking of advertising this book when I opened her book to the category called Myth and Legend. I saw the word wizard and the word spell and I was suddenly inspired to write the line that be- gan this section.
Here’s a demonstration of how the book works:
Let’s say I want to add spice to my client’s book on network- ing. I open Glasser’s book to any category. It falls open to Baseball and now I let my eyes roam the lists of related words. There’s a bag, ball, club, error, all-star, fastball and a bunch more words.
And then it happens! Lightning strikes and—aha!—my mind makes a new connection!
“Don’t strike out! Become a business all-star with these fastball concepts!”
See how it works?
Here’s one more quick example: I’m thinking of how I can de- scribe this book as I open Glasser’s book to the category Chess. There’s over a hundred words listed. Without more than a glance at the list I immediately have a new line: