Page 213 - Hypnotic Writing - How to Seduce and Persuade Customers with Only Your Words
P. 213
publication is learning how to get a standing ovation— something every speaker wants. Try to reveal the hidden benefit in your small business. Ask yourself: “What will peo- ple get as a result of using my product or service?”
29. Give reasons.
Three Reasons Why You Should Write a Book Seven Reasons to Call This Doctor Today Nine Reasons to Use This Maid Service
Reasons involve readers with your ad. To learn more, they have to read the rest of your copy. The trick to making this work is in targeting your prospects. If you are an account- ant, give reasons that tie in to your service. If you are a baker, give reasons why your food is better.
30. Use a before-and-after-statement.
The Wrong Way and the Right Way to Buy a Used Car
This is a common way to show how your business can make a difference. If you own a gardening service, you might use a headline that suggests you transform gardens from jungles to parks. What you are doing here is comparing what people have (their problems) with what you can give them (the solution).
Here is one way to find out if your headline will work—before you spend a cent to run it.
Ask yourself: “Can this headline be used for any competitor’s ad, letter, or web site?” Imagine placing your headline on a competi- tor’s copy. Will the headline still work? If so, change yours.