Page 254 - Hypnotic Writing - How to Seduce and Persuade Customers with Only Your Words
P. 254
Hypnotic E-Mails
Don’t dismiss this by thinking you know how, why, or if you can get a grant for your needs. Instead, tune in to this telesem- inar (it’s free) this Tuesday, June 1, at 7 P.M. Central (8 East- ern, 5 Pacific) and get the facts from a veteran grant finder.
Call (507) 726-3200 and enter 44455#.
You’ll then hear me (Joe Vitale) spend one hour interviewing grants expert Jillian Coleman about the inside secrets of getting grants today. You’ll find this lively, informative, inspiring, sur- prising, and even freee. (You just pay for the phone call.)
Come early, as we only have 250 lines open. (We’ll record the call for later access, though.)
And if you can’t wait till Tuesday, keep reading.
Power Your Business with Free Money is a nine-week e-course on finding grants and writing powerful grant proposals. It’s the equivalent of a graduate degree in grant writing, deliv- ered to you via e-mail. Best of all, it entitles you to Jillian’s personal mentoring and guidance. Let her help you develop your project, find funding, and produce your own grant pro- posal. Also included: great bonuses. Check it out at
Jillian’s newest class is Create Your Own Non-Profit, a three- week e-mail course that teaches you everything you need to know to set up a nonprofit corporation. Learn how to structure a Board of Directors, how to get tax-exempt status from the IRS, how to start raising money, and much more. This course also includes Jillian’s one-on-one assistance with your project, some wonderful bonuses, and that special price. Find out more at
And if you’d like to sign up for both classes, you can take advantage of an even deeper discount. Jillian is taking $300 extra off the combined price, when you enroll in both Power Your Business with Freee Money, and Create Your Own Non-Profit. If you’d like the special deal for both classes, just e-mail Jillian directly; she’s always happy to an- swer questions. Reach her at: