Page 268 - Hypnotic Writing - How to Seduce and Persuade Customers with Only Your Words
P. 268

                                         Hypnotic E-Mails
 Are you living in fear or living in trust?
Are you focused on the negative, or are you doing something to create a positive?
We are all, always, at choice.
My plea is that the readers of my e-zine—you—will stop, breathe, and focus; pray, or in some other positive way send out an energy that will help dissolve the fear in and around us.
I’m asking you to do this on Saturday, the day Rita is sched- uled to visit Texas.
As I was finishing this article, UPS delivered two books to me. Both are timely and worth mentioning.
Unconditional Bliss by Howard Raphael Cushnir says you can find happiness in the face of hardship.
I think this is relevant. While the media are making us shake in our boots, we can choose to take care of ourselves and oth- ers *while* remaining happy.
Happiness is a choice.
The other book looks just as fascinating. It’s Megatrends 2010 by Pat Aburdene.
To my surpirse (and delight) the book declares that the future will be more focused on spirit.
Well, let’s create the future right now. Let’s focus on spirit.
What I’m asking you to do is be happy, right now. Smile. Send that loving energy out, in the direction of Texas. Intend for all to be well, for, in reality, all is well.
In fact, pretend you are the eye of the hurricane. That’s the center where all is at peace. *Be* that peace and send that peace from the eye to the hurricane itself, imagining it drop- ping in intensity.
We can make a difference.
It begins with you.
What will you choose to think?

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