Page 89 - Hypnotic Writing - How to Seduce and Persuade Customers with Only Your Words
P. 89
Let’s not scheme. Let’s not try to win people over with our inter- ests in mind. Instead, let’s focus on what they want. Let’s focus on their pleasure, not their pain. The more you can deliver the good that people long for, the more people will be almost hypnotically drawn to you and your writing.
Remember, I said I don’t think we need to add to the bleakness of the world. So I am bold and say let’s delete step one altogether. If you focus on pain, you surely get people’s attention. You are speak- ing to their greatest concern.
Have you noticed how often ads on television and in newspa- pers focus on pain to get your attention? The method works. But I don’t want to add to the pain in the world. Since a basic truth in psychology is that people get more of whatever they focus on, I don’t even want to mention their pain.
There’s an article on my web site at about this whole subject. I reproduce it here because it so relevant.
The Greatest Motivator Isn’t What You Think
What I Learned from Drew Barrymore and Adam Sandler on Valentine’s Day Joe Vitale
It’s Valentine’s Day as I write this. Nerissa and I just returned from watching the new movie 50 First Dates starring the beauti- ful Drew Barrymore and the funny Adam Sandler. Besides being a hilarious movie in a beautiful setting with a heartfelt message of true love, it also caused me to have an “aha” right in the mid- dle of it.
Somewhere around halfway through the movie, as Adam is again reminding short-term memory loss victim Drew that he loves her, I suddenly realized the power of the greatest motiva- tor of all time.
But let me first set the stage.