Page 71 - How To Sell Yourself
P. 71

70 How to Sell Yourself
 When you’re alone or sur- rounded by people who know you well, any position is fine; but when you’re trying to make a favorable impression, or when an audience, a colleague, or a client is looking at you, I recommend these techniques:
• Sit with your spine erect but not exaggerated.
• Lean slightly forward.
• Keep your knees together.
• If you cross your legs, cross
the top at a downward angle. The least attractive part of your wardrobe is the sole of your shoe, so why put it on display?
• Have your hands in a com- fortable position and free to gesture.
• Keep your spine away from the back of the chair. Resist the temptation to slump.
...or leaning back with legs spread apart. (TV calls this the “crotch shot.”)
  • If the chair has arms, your
arms can rest on them but
don’t let your hands dangle.
Your hands may touch the
chair’s arms but don’t
clutch them. You can rest
your hands on your thighs
if you prefer. If you fold
your hands on your lap,
leave them loose and free to gesture.
Sitting erect and leaning slightly forward with an open face as you speak will always send the right signals.
How to react
I realize that this isn’t about acting, but I think you should know that any trained actor would tell you that a considerable
...or checking your watch.

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