Page 9 - Steppe - Aigana Gali
P. 9

 Foreword 1 Dear friends!
I have the great honor to present to your attention the first catalog of the talented artist Aigana Gali with the symbolic name STEPPE.
The spiritual connection with the Kazakh steppe, where the artist was born and raised, has become the main leitmotif of Aigana 's work. Her works are full of nostalgia for the endless expanses of the steppe, which, flooded with bright sunlight, merges on the horizon with the blue dome of heaven. The artist carefully and with special trepidation transfers to canvases every grain of her sincere feelings and memories.
Aigana in her works refers to the philosophy of the ancient religion of the Great Steppe - Tengrianism, which is based on the cult of mother nature, the veneration of the Eternal Sky - Tengri. The Great Steppe, stretching across the entire Eurasian continent, is a multicultural space where a keen interest in the ancient beliefs of nomads is being revived. Tengrianism is a worldview with its own system of values, which contributes to the internal harmonious transformation, the disclosure of creative potential and the mastery of cosmic energy .
To live and create in harmony with oneself, the world around and Tengri is the life credo of Aigana . It was this worldview that contributed to the formation of her unique artistic language. Her paintings are characterized by deep poetic contemplation, emotional and psychological tension and a sense of the natural flow of life. And the finest development of color schemes, created by alternating pigments and washes, allow the artist to achieve a feeling of spaciousness, air and light in her works.
Aigana sings of her sacred Steppe, creating amazing canvas-portals that take us to the cosmic expanses of the Kazakh land.
Congratulate Aigana on the release of the first catalog and wish her new creative discoveries and good luck!
Rosa Abenova
independent curator Nur -Sultan, 2022

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