Page 12 - IA Shop Hop 2021
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Each year, participating All Iowa Shop Hop stores give shop hopping customers, who bring in a passport, a thank you gift for visiting. This year, your free gift is a collectible fabric quilt block.
Stitch Us In:
Collectible Quilt Blocks Are Back for 2021
IMPORTANT NOTE for 2021 Quilt Blocks: This years quilt blocks are printed in color so the should NOT be ironed directly on the imprint.
◆ Each of our stores has created a unique 40 quilt square that captures the fun and creativeness of this hobby.
◆ Collect them all, combine them
with the exclusive All Iowa Shop
Hop Fabric and make a one-of-a-kind project. These quilt blocks will only
be available to those embarking on the All Iowa Shop Hop, so be sure to get your passport and start collecting stamps AND your quilt blocks.
◆ Regional and State Squares are available as well to complete your collection.
◆ When you collect all the stamps from the stores in each region and turn your passport in, we’ll send you a free 60 on-point quilt square to commemo- rate your accomplishment.
◆ Purchase a commemorative 80 finished state block. These come with red, charcoal or silver backgrounds.
◆ Win a free EXCLUSIVE state square when you collect stamps from all par- ticipating stores on this year’s tour!
Our 2021 exclusive AISH fabric is designed by the renowned Amanda Murphy. Titled, “A Winter Tour of Iowa”, this line features many unique- to-Iowa components.
The Town Square panel features famous Iowa landmark buildings. Other pieces feature the Iowa State quilt star, our 99 counties and a fun winter landscape panel.
The line blends beautifully with Amanda’s Cotton Shot line and her new “Winter Village” line.
You will want to be sure to pick up a yard of ALL the pieces when you see them because our 2020 line virtually sold out by the end of our shop hop.
You’ll find 6 great patterns in the
All Iowa Shop Hop Magazine and several more you can download for free at Use the free patterns, the exclusive fabrics, and the collectible quilt blocks to commemorate your Great Sewing Adventure Across Iowa.