Page 40 - IA Shop Hop 2021
P. 40

• Each year we try to visit at least one shop that is new to us in a location that we have not been to before.
• Do not rush through the shops. They have many undiscovered treasures everywhere!
• Make sure you take the time to enjoy each store you go in. Take the time to shop and see how different each shop is. Make new friends with the shop owners and other shoppers who are enjoying the experience.
• Take time to enjoy the journey.
• Drink in the colors of the fabric and enjoy the beautiful Iowa
countryside and hospitality.
• Thank the shop for taking part; it’s a lot of work.
Original Ideas
• In every shop I ask if they have their own pattern(s), and if the designer is there, I get his/her autograph. The pattern becomes a wonderful reminder of the trip.
• I plan a project and buy a piece of the fabric at each shop.
• Make colorful shirts for your whole group and enter the shop with a bang!!.
• Buy TWO All Iowa Shop Hop Magazines! Keep one in your car; you never know when you might be close to a shop you were not expecting to be near. Keep a second AISH magazine in the house to have all the patterns close by!
• If going as a group, each take 2 bags: use 1 to shop and keep the extra bag with your name on it to store your purchases in the trunk. You can transfer your purchases to the bag each time and always have an empty bag to shop with.
• A fun way to remember your trip is to buy a fat quarter from every shop and make a quilt!
Keep our Iowa Stores in Mind:
• Bring cash or checks to help our stores save $$ on credit card fees. • Purchase a little something, even if it’s just a tiny inexpensive thing.
Support the brick & mortar shops.
• Try to buy something in every shop. We need to keep all the shops
in Iowa open.
• Make a challenge to yourself for the month of June and July to only
shop local!
• Remember that every shop has something unique. Try to look for
things your local shop doesn’t have. Step out of your box and try something new.
          Be sure to come back to your favorite stores during the year. Use your All Iowa Shop Hop Magazine throughout the year, and of course save the date for next year’s All Iowa Shop Hop
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