Page 8 - Wordplay: Messages in Branches & Bark
P. 8

30jm In Praise of Empty sticks, waxed string
(WORDS: What’s behind before u) 27” x 31.75” x 31.25”, 2019
$12,000 John McQueen
99L Cradle to Cradle apple, commercial wood, screws 15.5” x 30” x 30”, 2007
$28,000 Gyöngy Laky
96L Red Limbs
eucalyptus, apple, paint, bullets for building 11.5” x 17” x 17”, 2005-2006
$16,000 Gyöngy Laky
130L Traverser
ash, paint, bullet for building, trim screws 22” x 22” x 22”, 2016
$34,000 Gyöngy Laky

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