Page 3 - Program 5 copy
P. 3

In deep reverence, we contemplate the fact that the Great God of Light has descended to earth in order to fulfill the great mission of saving the world.
God is dispelling all the earth’s spiritual clouds, cleansing all sins and impurities from both the spiritual and physical realms, and causing the ideal world of paradise to be born—one filled with Light, everlasting joy and happiness everywhere—a world all humanity and every living creature has longed for throughout the ages.
In this paradise there is perfect weather all year round, a gentle breeze blowing every fifth day and rain falling every tenth day, without storms of any kind.
Because of God's boundless love, all evil spirits and misguided ones submit themselves to divine rule.
All bad practices cease and all wrong laws are corrected.
Because negative forces are awakened to truth, all forces of Light fulfill their missions unhampered.
Even nature itself—its mountains, rivers and foliage are influenced by the love of God.
All birds, animals, fish and insects—all life— have their rightful places and enjoy their individual lives.
Such is the state of the true, ideal world.
In the sky overhead, birds of heaven are seen flying, and auspicious clouds float along, portending happy events.
On earth there are countless beautiful flowers filling the air with their lovely fragrance.
Among shrines and stately mansions
soaring into the air, outstanding is
the temple of the God of Light
with its golden-tiled roof, glittering in the sun.
This is truly the picture of Paradise on Earth.
Everyone has bountiful harvests, their storehouses are full of food, and fish are caught in abundance.
Happy voices are heard everywhere, everyone enjoys life to the fullest.
Boundaries between countries disappear enmities between races and all conflicts vanish like bad dreams.
All people on earth are one under the rule of the Great God of Light.
All are embraced in God’s arms of love.
In our daily work and livelihood, we are guided by God’s intelligence and wisdom.
Without medicine we are blessed with long and joyous lives.
We all enjoy prosperity, doing good deeds, helping others and accumulating virtue.
Ancestors, family and friends, join us in our prayers.
O God,
Please bless all souls with your great love and boundless benevolence and help us to live in accord with your will.
We pray from our innermost hearts that Paradise on Earth is realized.
Guardian of the spiritual realm, protect and bless all souls with supreme happiness.
In accordance with your will,
give expansive radiance to all souls.

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