Page 3 - The Fayetteville Press Newspaper August 2024 Edition
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The Fayetteville Press August 9, 2024 Edition Page 3a
Voters must be engaged to bring about the changes they desire
The 2024 election season is already in people the right to participate in what
full swing. As voters in a number of states should be a constitutional right!
face new restrictions for the first time in a While a young teen in attendance at
presidential election, we’ve already seen Mattock Memorial AME Zion Church in
problems in primaries across the country. Fayetteville, NC I was instructed on the
A new photo ID requirement led to long importance of voting and electing people
lines in Wisconsin. A reduction in polling that had your best interest at heart. This
places forced some to wait five hours to instruction was given with the same fer-
vote in Arizona. New rules created confu- vor of asking Christ to be your personal
sion in North Carolina. This could be an Savior. We took the act of voting seriously
early glimpse of problems in November — and every 17-year-old looked forward to
as voters face the first presidential election registering to vote and exercising our
in 50 years without the full protections of God-given right of determining who would
the Voting Rights Act, which was designed do the most for our families, churches,
to prevent discrimination in voting. and communities.
The burden is on all of us that care about Where is that fervor now? Where is
our communities, our schools, the availabil- the excitement in choosing a candidate that
ity of affordable housing, and the state of mirrors your views and doing all that you
our environment. We have a responsibility can to ensure that they are elected and
to do more than simply register to vote and staying true to their promises?
show up at the polls at the appointed time. Now is not the time to “sit out”. We
Instead, we have to verbalize our wants, do not have the luxury of allowing
elect people who agree and campaign for someone else to decide our future!
those same desires, hold said elected offi- Today, our nation faces enormous
cials accountable as they vote for changes challenges. We didn’t have an American
in our community and constantly stay vigi- Revolution to return to a period where a
lant in the face of those working hard be- By Former Cumberland County Commissioner Charles Evans single person would decide our individual
hind the scene to deprive more and more (910) 978-6643 fate. Speak up now!
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